Nagpur Pastors’ Meeting on Disability Leads to Formation of new ED Hub

A virtual meeting on disability inclusion was organized by NCCI – IDEA and EFI for Nagpur city pastors on 23 Sep 2020 in which 65 people attended.

ED Network member from Eyeway, Mr George Abraham, shared the message from John 9:3 on the response of Jesus to a person with a disability and called on the churches to enter into a journey of that kind of inclusion wherein we are open to being ministered unto by persons with disabilities and are able to appreciate the contributions that PWDs bring to the body of Christ. He highlighted the need for disability inclusion in churches and its importance in the life of both the churches and that of the PWDs.

Ms. Asiami, Programme Assistant, NCCI IDEA, and Rev Amit Manwantkar, Regional Coordinator of EFI, Religious Liberty Commission, anchored and facilitated the meeting in which Rev Asir, NCCI General Secretary and Chair of ED, also participated. Jessica Richard, ED National Coordinator, introduced to the group the ED network, its vision, working, and resources.

An outcome of this meeting was that a new ED hub has been initiated in Nagpur and two persons nominated as hub coordinators – Pr Satish  Tashkande, a person with visual impairment, to be assisted by Mr Moses Gour from NCCI. The group also planned to join the Disability Christmas organized annually by the NCCI that is led by PWDs.

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