Church & Women with Disabilities

Virtual One Day National Workshop, 4 December 2021, 10 AM to 4 PM.

Women with Disabilities face unique challenges in Church and society. There are very few spaces where we speak about such challenges and how to address them as Churches.

Engage Disability brings to you this one-day workshop, probably the first of its kind, jointly planned along with women with disabilities, to provide a platform for Women with Disabilities to share their challenges especially with reference to the life and work of the Church.

This workshop aims to:

1) Take cognizance of the voices of women with disabilities, and find practical ways to encourage churches to take responsibility towards the community of women with disabilities who have been sidelined for far too long.

2) Seek to articulate theologies from the perspectives of women with disabilities that is contextually grounded in their life experiences, their challenges with, and expectations from the Church

2) Provide exposure for participants, particularly Church and lay leaders, and young people, to experience and engage with the lives and struggles of the women with disabilities both within and outside the Church.

Join us for this workshop jointly organised by Engage Disability and NCCI – Indian Disability Ecumenical Accompaniment (IDEA) on 4 December 2021.

Who can attend?

Women with disabilities in your churches and communities, theological students, Young people from youth fellowships, pastors, laypeople, and all who wish to understand this crucial topic to help us, as Churches, to grow in disability inclusion.


Share the poster with session highlights on social media platforms and support this event:

Poster for Church and Women with Disabilities Virtual Workshop 

Church& Women with Disabilities PDF

Read more about this one-day national webinar on Church and Women with Disabilities

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