Volunteers Turn Disability Inclusion Ambassadors
15-17 March 2024

The volunteers of the Engage Disability National Conference in November 2022 were the backbones who ensured that every aspect of the conference ran smoothly like a well oiled machine.
Engage Disability was excited and proud to bring together this enthusiastic and committed group of young people for a follow-up gathering in the NCCI Campus in Nagpur between 15-17 March 2024.
Building the capacities of the young people in disability ministries, and deepening their understanding of disability from both practical and biblical perspectives, listening to their experiences and learning from the EDNC2022, and formulating plans of action about how they would take forward the vision of disability inclusion that they had gained in the conference, were some of the components of the two days.
It was exciting for Engage Disability to understand the impact that the lives of persons with disabilities at the EDNC2022, have had on these young people. Although we could not have all the volunteers of EDNC2022 back together again, we had a impactful gathering with those who could make it to this follow-up gathering.
Engage Disability is thankful for the energy, time, enthusiasm, and commitment to disability inclusion in churches that these young people have shown and looks forward to their continued engagement in this cause.
We believe that the volunteers at each of ED’s events become ambassadors of disability inclusion in their own spheres of life, work, and influence. We observe with joy their journey and innovative ideas in carrying forward the vision of ED to strengthen the Christian response to disability in India.
ED is thankful to the NCCI Executive Secretary for Ecumenical Fora, Rev Ribin John, and Program Coordinator for Youth, Ms. Smriti Priyansha for coordinating the arrangements and preparing novel activities to keep the youth volunteers engaged. We are also thankful to our ED partner, NCCI – IDEA, for hosting the volunteers in the NCCI campus for this follow-up gathering.

Praying with Ps Satish Tashkande at the Bartimaeus Church

Listening to the work of the Bartimaeus Church

Learning more about disability inclusion through treasure hunt clues

Morning Worship with Nature on Day 1

With Ps Satish Tashkande and his family

Treasure Hunt to learn more about disability inclusion

Presenting plan of action for their churches

Presenting plan of action for their church
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