ED at the CSI Diocesan Youth Conference

It was a special opportunity for Engage Disability to be invited to do a workshop on “Disability Inclusion Awareness” in the C.S.I. Trichy-Tanjore Diocesan Youth Conference, held on the 23 October 2023 at the Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli.

Through an interactive session with activities young people were introduced to  Disability and Etiquette and a biblical-theological basis for the need for disability inclusion in Churches and the body of Christ. 

Two batches of around 200 young adults each were given one hour of activity based training and exercises to involve them and to help them develop opinions on disability perspectives. It was heartening to see the transformation in the young adults trying to change their perspectives from ignorance to understanding persons with disabilities in a new light, and committing to journey alongside persons with disabilities by entering into their world.

The young adults were inspired to learn and try out through the simulation activities how to assist persons with diverse disabilities. A short introduction on biblical and theological understanding grounded them in the need to break the barriers in theological understandings and attitudes surrounding disability. They were also introduced to the objectives and purpose of Engage Disability.

It was a new venture to address such a large gathering of youth from a diocese of the Church of South India and interact with them in the beautiful Bishop Heber campus. We are hopeful that  these motivated young people will function as ripples taking the message and vision of disability inclusion to their congregations. Engage Disability brochures  were distributed to them for further contact. 

Sessions were led by Jessica Richard and Rev Eunice Rajamathi, the National Coordinator and Training Facilitator of Engage Disability respectively. ED is thankful to the Diocesan Youth Director Rev Iniyan Joshuva for the opportunity to conduct these two parallel workshops.

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Engage . Include . Be Inspired .