ED Core Group & Advisory Group Meetings, 2022

ED Core Group & Advisory Group Meetings, 2022

The Engage Disability Core Group & Advisory Group met physically after almost two years between 23 – 25 February 2022 at Henry Martyn Institute, Hyderabad. It was a hybrid meeting with those at the venue of the meeting joined virtually by other members.

Core Group, Feb 2022Core Group Meeting, 23 Feb 2022, HMI, Hyderabad

Both meetings had spaces to review the work of ED over the past 2 years, brainstorm plans for 2022, and envision beyond the year as well.

The Core Group (CG) undertook an exercise to envision where ED would like to see itself in 2030. The emerging directions from this exercise were shared with members of the Advisory Group to take their feedback as well. It is hoped that, with more brainstorming in future meetings of the CG, the outcome of this exercise could help revise the Vision & Objectives of ED for approval by all partners in the network.

Advisory Group members expressed appreciation for the ongoing work of the ED Network and shared areas where their organisations could come alongside ED to strengthen the impact of the work of disability inclusion in Christian communities and constituencies they represented. Core Group members shared areas where ED was strong (training, resources, networking), and also areas that needed more support. 

Advisory Group Members, 24 Feb 2022Advisory Group Meeting, 24 Feb 2022

The major plans discussed for 2022 included: Follow-up to consolidate the learnings, challenges, and impact of the series of 12 pre-conferences, run-up events to the National Conference proposed to be held in November 2022 including regional conferences, city-level pastors workshops (virtual & physical),  follow-up events to the National Webinar on Church and Women with Disabilities, planning for the National Conference in November 2022, and the roll-out of the ED Toolkit as a virtual 12-week course, in addition to two regular Family Retreats through hubs and regular hub-related activities. 

The usual business of the Core Group meeting included receiving briefs from the National Coordinator on ongoing activities, summary of financial status and areas where local contributions were to be raised, and discussing funding strategies for upcoming programmes planned  and the long term financial sustainability of the ED network.

In the course of the three days, some Core Group members had the joy of meeting with a few members of the ED hub in Hyderabad for an evening over fellowship dinner. Hyderabad hub is currently one of the most active hubs of ED that has been meeting consistently and having regular monthly activities in which all members are involved. They shared with great excitement the successful rally “Celebration of Blessing on Wheels” put together by the Hyderabad Hub to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 Dec 2021, that had a great response from wheelchair bound persons with disabilities and those with other disabilities both belonging to the hub and otherwise. They shared that it was a statement when the rally of over a kilo meter ended in an accessible hotel where all the participants had a meal together. For some persons with disabilities at the rally this was the first time to have a meal at a restaurant with dignity! Core Group members were greatly encouraged by the testimonies and the fellowship with members of the Hyderabad hub.

Fellowship with Hyderabad hub membersFellowship Dinner with Hyderabad Hub Members, 23 Feb 2022

One of the items of the agenda of the Core Group included site visits to review, in terms of accessibility and logistic feasibility, proposed venues for the National Conference 2022 in November. We are thankful for the hospitality received at Henry Martyn Institute and the Don Bosco Provincial House in Hyderabad that made these review visits enjoyable. 

ED thanks all partners who took time to participate in these important planning and envisioning meetings of ED and the ownership they expressed for the vision and work of ED towards strengthening the Christian response to disability in India.

Chief functionaries and representatives of partner organisations in the Advisory group who participated include: Sr Dr Beena Madhavath, Sister Doctor Fellowship of India (SDFI); Dr. Priya John, Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI); Adv. Anuwinda Varkey, Christian Coalition for Health (CCH); Dr. Sara Varughese, CBM India Trust; Mr John Lall, Tearfund Inida; Prof. Annavaram, Individual Advisor; and Rev. Philip Peacock, individual theologian, currently with WCRC, Germany.

Representatives in the Core Group who are also part of the Advisory Group who participated include: Rev Asir Ebenezer, National Council of Churches in India (NCCI); Fr Dr Mathew Abraham,  Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI); Fr George Kannanthanam, (CHAI); Dr Christopher Baskaren, World Vision India (WVI); Ms Jubin Varghese (EHA); Dr Nathan Grills (CHGN); Ms. Krupa Paulson, proVISION Asia; Mrs. Shilpa Barrey, Operation Equip India; Mr Doullalem Nehisial, NCCI – IDEA; Mr. George Abraham, and the National Coordinator Jessica Richard in an Ex-Officio Capacity. 

Advisory Group Virtual Participants








Virtual attendees, Core group & Advisory Group Meetings , 23 & 24 Feb 2022


Physical participants at the Core Group Meeting, 23 Feb 2022Members of the Core Group at the venue of the Meeting, 23 Feb 2022

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