Hub Coordinators Meeting Observes World Leprosy Day

29 Jan 2022. 

Ushering in what we hope is the ‘post-pandemic’ year, the regular virtual meeting of ED Hub coordinators took place. 

We listened to a short reflection on the narrative of Jesus and the Lepers that uplifted the importance of breaking down stigma and creating social acceptance for those experiencing Leprosy.

The ED IEC poster for the observance of the World Leprosy Day (30 Jan 2022) was shared. We also viewed a short video on World Leprosy Day.

The hubs represented shared updates on their current activities and plans. Bangalore, Madurai, Dehradun and Nagpur hub were present. The Dehradun hub shared that 7 church leaders were part of the 6 month RCI course and were greatly benefited; A Christmas meet with families had been possible in December 2021; A medical camp had been organised by local church leaders both for general public and specifically for persons with disabilities; and that the hub was continuing to facilitate 12 participants to attend the “Beyond Suffering” Course. The hub plans to make the ED Day of prayer for persons with disabilities (5th of each month) a more intentional activity to pray specifically for each family of persons with disabilities in their local areas. 

The Bangalore hub shared that 4 dioceses of the Bangalore Archdiocese  having adopted commisions for the differently-abled was an impact of members of the ED hub; creation of a directory of disability related services by the Bangalore Archdiocese was also highlighted, and the hub will share that resource with ED once it is ready. The Bangalore hub is planning to revive physical meetings of the hub soon as well.

Madurai hub shared that Christmas gifts were distributed to children with special needs and persons with disabilities and their families. The hub in cooperation with a local NGO also conducted a 60 days skill training for persons with locomotor disabilities. The hub plans to organise computer training for persons with locomotor and hearing disabilities in February and March as well as a training for junior Presbyters of the Church of South India in partnership with the CSI – SEVA. 

Nagpur hub shared that they were able to network with 6 members chuches of various protestant traditions belonging to the NCCI family, to acquire a time for sharing about disability inclusion in church services and would be working on this in coming months. They also planned regular hub meetings now that pandemic relaxations were coming about. 

The NC shared broad plans from the ED Secretariat for 2022 with hub coordinators as follows: 1) Through hubs run up events to the National Conference 2) A Face to face Regional Conference in North East India 3) The ED Toolkit to be run as a virtual course 4) 2 Family Retreats through hubs  5) Follow up events to the “Church and Women with Disabilities” workshop 6) More responses to the ED Disability Inclusion Audit will be pursued and 7) Preparations for the ED National Conference in November. 

Hubs were requested to plan different types of run-up events to the National Conference in their locations in the format that was most appropriate for said regions/locations, and continue to encourage churches in their communities to complete the Disability Inclusion Audit. 

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