World Sickle Cell Day 2021 Observed at Hub Coordinators Meeting

19 June 2021, 3pm-5pm IST
ED Hub Coordinators’ Meetings are a regular bi-monthly virtual event when coordinators and key people of the 13 ED hubs spread across India meet virtually for fellowship, encouragement, and cross-learning.
We received a thought-provoking and encouraging short reflection from Ms. Aben Mongro (Dimapur hub) from the story of Joseph (Gen 39) that God is with us both in success and in hardships and in these times of the pandemic, we must remember that we believe in such a God who is “with us.”
We viewed a short educational video on Sickle Cell Disease as we observed World Sickle Cell Day today with most of the Hub Coordinators wearing red.
The video explained in simple terms about the disease, the challenges it causes, and the possible treatment and prevention.
Here is the link to that video on youtube if you wish to use this to raise awareness:
The “ED Disability Inclusion Audit tool for Churches” was introduced by the National Coordinator to the hub coordinators. The purpose of the tool is to enable congregations to have a tool for assessment on where they stand in terms of disability inclusion as a faith community. Congregations could also use it as an ongoing tool to test themselves from time to time to measure their progress.
Hub Coordinators of ED will spearhead the effort to identify and disseminate this disability inclusion audit tool for churches in local congregations in their geographic locations over the next couple of months.
Hubs that were represented at today’s meeting were Chennai, Hyderabad, DehraDun, Dimapur, Lamka (Manipur), and Madurai, East India hub and Mangalore hub.
We are grateful that these virtual hub coordinators’ meetings continue to be a source fo encouragement and cross learning

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