ED Focus for 2020-21

During meetings between Aug 2020 to Oct 2020, the Core Group of Engage Disability and Hub Coordinators of ED identified areas of focus for the work of the ED network in 2020-21 as follows:

  • Identifying and sharing resources or networks that facilitate livelihood initiatives for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
  • Considering the pandemic, provisions for training resources and opportunities to be delivered in electronic /online formats
  • Collating and disseminating statistics related to PWDs from WHO and various other reliable sources
  • Providing stories and videos about the achievements of persons with
    disabilities for the encouragement of those in the network
  • Building data regarding PWDs in various regions through hubs and
    churches ·
  • Creating/ disseminating information on Constitutional Rights/benefits
    provided by the government of India, and other agencies for PWDs
  • Organising city-based pastors’ fellowships for disability inclusion and
    development of new hubs

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Engage . Include . Be Inspired .