NCCI and CHAI to co-host Secretariat

Effective from 1 Jan 2020 until the next National Conference of ED, the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) will co-host the Secretariat along with the Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI).

ED expresses its thanks to the outgoing Chair Rev Dr. Mathew Abraham, Director General of CHAI, who has ably led the network and effectively hosted the Secretariat at CHAI since the last National Conference in Nov 2017.

ED welcomes Rev Asir Ebenezer, General Secretary, National Council
of Churches in India who takes the baton from Fr Mathew as the
Chair of ED.

Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic that crippled regular life the world over, the transition of Secretariat between CHAI and NCCI was kept on hold until things became more stable.

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